Personal information is things like your real name, address, financial information and other information that could identify you. It also includes pictures, video and voice recordings of you.
For information on Fandom's privacy policy please see this page.
Tips and advice:
- Be very careful in giving out any information about yourself. Even if you trust someone, keep your private information private.
- Always remember that a photo or video you share could be copied by anyone. It's not always possible to remove content once it's public.
- Never, ever, share your password with anyone. This is the most frequent way accounts get into the wrong hands, causing lots of trouble for the account owner!
For more tips, see our help page about online security.
If you find your private information on Fandom and you can't get help from an admin of the wiki where it was posted, please let us know.
If you feel threatened, please consider calling your local authorities for help.
Note: if a page that shares your name is about a fictional character in a real game, book, TV show or film, we likely cannot help you. In that situation, we recommend you contact the production company that created the media franchise.