If you are an admin for a wiki, you can request to change your sitename or URL (or both!). Please double-check the spelling, and choose the new name carefully.
If you are not an admin on the wiki, please contact your community's admins to suggest the change.
Please use this form to request this change (select the "I want to change a wiki's name or URL" category).
- The sitename affects the name shown in browser tabs, Google search, and the name of the 'Project:' namespace on your wiki.
- Admins can change the name shown across the top of the wiki via Theme Designer.
- We can only change the first part of your wiki's URL (i.e.
) - we do not support wikis outside of fandom.com.
If you simply want to change the name of a specific page on a wiki, please see https://community.fandom.com/wiki/Help:Moving_pages instead!